Automatic behavioral mechanisms are the hidden resources of our minds that help us overcome the challenges of everyday life. Think of them as the basis of the different strategies we use to cope with stress, emotional highs or lows. These strategies can range from positive actions such as talking to friends, finding solutions to problems or staying positive, to not-so-helpful habits such as avoiding problems or practicing destructive behaviors.
When life presents another challenge (difficulty), people naturally find ways to cope with the situation. There are people who can talk to friends or family, look for solutions to their problems or engage in relaxing activities. These are “good” automatic behavioral mechanisms because they help us to face challenges and feel better in the long run.
On the other hand, there are people who may not cope with stress by ignoring the causes, pretending it does not exist or even turning to destructive habits such as substance abuse. These are “not so good” automatic behavioral mechanisms because, although they may provide temporary relief, they do not really solve the underlying problems.
These automatic behavioral mechanisms do not work equally well for everyone. It may depend on our personality, experience and what we find useful. It is important to use healthy automatic behavioral mechanisms that work for us, helping us to cope with stress and recover from crisis situations. It is an ongoing process of learning what works best for us and being open to trying new things if necessary.
Positive automatic behavioral mechanisms, such as talking to someone or looking for solutions, are tools that help us build a stronger behavioral base to deal with life’s challenges. Automatic behavioral mechanisms are a variable in our mind, they can change and evolve. It is important to be aware of how we cope with our problems and, if necessary, adjust our behavior, which becomes automatic over time.