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Digital abstinence

The world is becoming more digital every day, and the services it provides are starting to dominate our daily lives. Digital abstinence is a new concept that involves refraining from using digital devices in order to spend more time with yourself and others in the real world. Digital abstinence refers to the deliberate and temporary non-use of digital devices.

The presence of digital devices, i.e. their excessive use, can have negative effects on our physical and mental health. People nowadays spend a lot of time on smart devices, whether they are working, having fun or socializing; seemingly face-to-face events create social isolation. Digital abstinence can provide respite from this digital overload, allowing people to recharge, reflect and reconnect with themselves and others.

Digital abstinence involves setting boundaries and deliberately limiting screen time (time spent using a digital device) by turning off notifications or the device itself. Abstaining from digital distractions (notifications, calls or other device signals) allows you to enjoy real-world activities such as walking in nature, reading a book or meditating.

Digital abstinence enables you to prioritize real-world interactions. Instead of communicating through screens, people can engage in face-to-face conversations, share experiences and build more meaningful relationships with friends, family and colleagues.

In addition, digital abstinence improves mental health (not worsens it). Constant exposure to digital stimuli can depress the mind and disrupt sleep cycles, leading to increased stress levels and cognitive overload. Taking a break from technology can help individuals to concentrate better and improve emotional well-being.

It is important to strike a balance between digital engagement and disengagement, finding what best suits individual needs and preferences. Whether it is taking periodic breaks from digital communication channels or establishing digital-free zones in the home, building healthy relationships with technology is key to maintaining overall well-being in the digital age.

Device-free weekends: Set aside your weekends for activities without digital screens, focus on outdoor adventures, hobbies or quality time with your family.
Screen off: Short breaks from all digital devices, including smartphones and computers, to focus on offline activities such as reading or creative projects.
Device-free dining: Introducing rules banning digital devices during mealtimes to encourage meaningful conversations and relationships.
Volunteering: Getting involved in volunteering to make a positive impact on society and to connect with others outside the digital world in person.
Offline hobbies: Engaging in hobbies or activities that do not require digital devices, such as painting, cooking or playing musical instruments.

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