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How difficult is it to forgive?

Forgiveness is not easy, it is an emotional process that needs to be improved over a lifetime. Forgiveness involves letting go of anger, resentment and the desire to take revenge on someone who has wronged you. In essence, forgiveness is an act of compassion and… Read More »How difficult is it to forgive?

Relationships are complex – even the choice of words to describe them is a compromise

Relationships are a complex process that form bonds between individuals. A colorful spectrum of emotions, from love and joy to challenge and conflict. Relationships are essentially an art of mutual desires, needs and compromises. Relationships are multifaceted because they involve two or more unique personalities… Read More »Relationships are complex – even the choice of words to describe them is a compromise

Is it hard to apologise?

Firstly, admitting that you have made a mistake or wronged someone else can be difficult and uncomfortable. You have to admit your vulnerabilities and shortcomings, which can be challenging for some people. Apologies require a certain level of humility. It can be difficult to show… Read More »Is it hard to apologise?