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Pretending as acting on the stage of life

Pretending is an everyday tool for many individuals, serving as a means to blend in more easily with the social environment around them. Unlike acting, which involves conscious actions, pretending is often a spontaneous and unconscious response to social norms, i.e. the need to adapt to the social environment. It is a play on the stage of life, where the individual puts on different masks in order to interact with the world.

Pretending is a survival mechanism that is part of our social structure. It can act as a shield, allowing individuals to hide vulnerabilities and facilitating adaptation to societal expectations. Pretence is a social lubricant that promotes interaction and helps individuals to fit into different social environments.

Pretending allows individuals to navigate complex interpersonal relationships. Whether it is adapting behaviour to fit into a professional environment or showing enthusiasm at a social event, pretense is a huge force shaping our everyday interactions.

There is no clear line to be drawn between genuine emotions and the actions demonstrated as a result of pretending. This blurred line makes our social interactions more complex, influencing the perception of others, thus creating relationships that are not entirely genuine.

Living in a social environment where there is no need to pretend is a feeling of freedom that comes from our unconscious mind – without pretending.

Social smile: Pretending to be cheerful or interested in a conversation, even if it’s not true.
Professional personality: Practising a professional attitude at work, hiding personal problems or stress factors.
Artificial certainty: Demonstrating certainty in situations where a person may feel uncertain about the outcome.
Interest motive: Act interested in a topic or activity in order to meet the expectations of others, even if you are indifferent to it.
Agreeableness: Pretending to agree with the views or perspectives of others in order to maintain harmony in a social environment.

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