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Subjective beauty

Beauty is essentially a subjective appreciation of the world around us that evokes feelings of pleasure, admiration or satisfaction. Beauty is not just about physical appearance, but encompasses different aspects of human experience and expression.

From a philosophical point of view, the understanding of beauty is based on the culture of a society. Some people tend to describe beauty in terms of elements such as symmetry or proportion. Others value the emotional or experiential aspects of beauty, i.e. how a person reacts to what they see.

Cultural influences have a significant impact on public perceptions of beauty. Standards of beauty are diverse and can change to reflect changing social values and expectations. What is considered beautiful in one culture may differ significantly from ideals in another, highlighting the subjectivity and cultural influences of beauty.

In the field of aesthetics, beauty is central to the appreciation of art. The expression of art takes many forms, such as painting, literature or music. The subjective nature of beauty in art is expressed in the individual’s interpretation of artistic beauty, incorporating his or her own perspective and cultural background.

Nature also plays a determining role in our understanding of beauty. Nature with its landscapes inspires awe and admiration. The connection with nature provides people with a source of inspiration that is further exploited in the artworks they create.

Natural landscapes: Breathtaking views of landscapes such as mountains, oceans or forests. From the symmetry of a snow-capped mountain to the sound of ocean waves, the harmony of natural elements exemplifies the beauty of the natural world.
Masterpieces of art: Paintings, sculptures or other forms of artistic expression tend to captivate observers with their beauty. Whether it is the Mona Lisa’s smile, Van Gogh’s brushstrokes or the symmetry of classical sculptures, art demonstrates different expressions of beauty.
Human relationships: Beauty extends beyond the physical world and can be observed in human relationships. Acts of kindness, empathy and love can be considered beautiful, positive qualities that add meaningfully to a person’s life experience.
Musical compositions: The world of music offers compositions that evoke an inner sense of beauty. From classical symphonies to emotional ballads, music can evoke an aesthetic experience.
Architecture: Architectural designs that have balance, proportion and thoughtful composition. From the intricate details of historic buildings to the elegance of contemporary structures, architecture demonstrates beauty through the representation of different forms in space.

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