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Loneliness when you are not really alone

Loneliness is more than physical isolation – it is emotional and social isolation. Feelings of loneliness overwhelm thoughts, even when other people are around.

Loneliness can occur as a result of a lack of close relationships and social interaction, or as a result of a lack of appreciation. In the digital age, where communication is seemingly active, people can still experience loneliness because quality, not quantity, is the key factor in relationships.

Loneliness can take many forms, from a momentary feeling of emptiness to long-lasting and depressing thoughts. It can be triggered by unexpected life changes such as moving house, the loss of a loved one or the absence of a lasting and meaningful connection (relationship). Loneliness is a deeply personal experience and what seems isolating to one person may mean the opposite to another.

Loneliness is not just an emotional condition, it has visible effects on both mental and physical health, such as depression or persistent feelings of anxiety.

Fighting loneliness involves building meaningful relationships with family, friends or professionals. Assuming that loneliness is a pressing human mental health problem, we can strive for a more inclusive society to help those in need.

New city: Moving to a new city can be exhilarating, but it can also leave you feeling isolated. The lack of familiar people and the challenges of making new connections can lead to feelings of loneliness.
The digital world: In an age dominated by digital communication, people can paradoxically feel lonely. Social media can sometimes exacerbate feelings of isolation, as online interactions can completely replace real, face-to-face communication.
Empty house: Parents experiencing children leaving home. A sudden emptiness in the home can cause feelings of loneliness and loss.
Grief: The loss of a loved one can cause feelings of loneliness, which can be accompanied by isolation.
Retirement age: Retirement, although looked forward to as a period of relaxation, can lead to feelings of loneliness. The transition from a busy workplace to a more solitary routine can make people feel isolated and the need to redefine their social ties outside the professional sphere.

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