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How much do you follow the instinct of the crowd?

Crowd instinct describes a person’s tendency to adopt behaviours, emotions or actions that are consistent with those of the crowd. It is a phenomenon where individuals unconsciously reflect the actions and attitudes of others. Crowd instinct plays an important role in controlling human behaviour and can have both positive and negative effects on individuals or society.

The crowd instinct is based on the desire for social acceptance, belonging and conformity. When people are crowded, they experience a sense of anonymity and reduced individual responsibility, resulting in the loss of internal barriers to certain actions.

The crowd instinct can trigger behaviour that individuals would not engage in alone. It can foster a sense of unity and common purpose, allowing collective action towards common goals.

The most striking examples of the crowd instinct can be seen in protests, sporting events or any other situation involving groups of people. They represent the influence of a group of people on individual behaviour, e.g. group influence can change individuals’ opinions, decisions or actions.

By being aware of the crowd instinct, individuals can make more informed choices and resist the potential negative consequences of crowd influence. Awareness highlights the importance of critical thinking and maintaining one’s individuality even in the presence of crowds.

Emotional background: Emotions can quickly overwhelm a crowd. If one person expresses strong emotions such as worry, fear or anger, it can quickly affect the emotional state of others, triggering a collective emotional response.
De-individualisation: In large crowds, individuals can feel a sense of anonymity and reduced individual responsibility. This phenomenon can lead to a greater willingness to engage in impulsive or risky behaviour.
New norms: Crowds can develop their own norms, values and behaviours, which may differ from those of individuals outside the crowd. These new norms can influence the actions and decisions of people in the crowd, leading to behaviour that is atypical or more extreme than what they would exhibit alone.
Collective thought: Collective thought is a phenomenon in which the desire for group consensus overrides critical thinking and independent judgement.
Conformity: In a crowd, individuals may unconsciously imitate the behaviour, attitudes or beliefs of others. Imitation may be motivated by a desire to fit in, to avoid social exclusion.

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