People’s daily lives are determined by a variety of external factors that are practically beyond their control. The written and unwritten rules of society determine acceptable behavior, influencing how individuals perceive themselves and others. From gender roles to career choices, these social rules shape the system in which people live. Such a system can be acceptable or lead to rebellion.
Cultural values have a major influence. Each culture has its own unique set of beliefs and traditions that shape interpersonal relationships and decision-making, as well as perceptions of success and happiness. As individuals live in a particular cultural environment, they absorb these cultural values and apply them to themselves and others.
The physical environment, including access to resources, climate and geographical location, can have a significant impact on an individual’s opportunities. For example, those living in affluent societies face different challenges and opportunities than those living in poor regions.
Interpersonal relations are another critical factor for external influence. Family or romantic partnerships shape a person’s emotional well-being and provide a social context for personal development. Positive relationships can provide support and encouragement, while toxic relationships can contribute to stress and anxiety.
The media and technology are increasingly powerful external factors. The presence of social media or television exposes people to the direction of opinion and the development of societal narratives. This constant flow of information can influence self-confidence, political or other views.
Economic forces such as employment opportunities and financial stability play an important role. Economic conditions can determine the likelihood of educational attainment, career and lifestyle choices.
Above all, it is important to be aware of these external factors that affect our lives, to understand whether we are able to influence them, and to take action to change them if they are within our sphere of influence. If we cannot influence the processes we want, then it is not worth spending our time and energy on imagining that we can.